Hybrid work models allow employees to retain the flexibility they’ve experienced while working from home, and still have a physical office space in which to collaborate and connect with colleagues. This model offers employees the best of both worlds, giving them access to both remote and in-office work options. Explore the best ways to allocate your tasks, and organize your office days so that your time in each work environment is used for optimal performance.
Understandably, it can be challenging to maintain multiple workspaces and have them match as closely as possible in terms of organization and ergonomics. One way to reduce the complexities that comes with working in multiple environments is by designing them so that they all match- especially in terms of comfort and organization. Your home office should be closely displayed to how your work office is. Some people think working remotely comes with some comfortability privilege. Working from home isn’t about laying in bed or kicking your feet up on the couch. Setting up an office similar to that of your in-office workspace will reflect your work performance.
Your home office doesn’t need to be a carbon copy of your office environment. Try creating a similar desk layout in both places,. You’ll find that transitioning between locations is much easier. Not to mention, if your work company provides snacks, consider having these same treats at home. As we all know, consistency is the key to success. Keep those Lacroix stocked.
What’s probably most fruitful, from going in between your home office and work office is managing your time. When you work remotely, the workday isn’t structured around an office schedule. It can be easy to sleep in late because you don’t have to commute and start your day at an ungodly time. It’s important to wake up at a consistent time and get into your working routine on all of the days you’re not in the office. Resist these temptations by starting a schedule of habits that allow you to focus on your work. Consider blocking out a half hour for exercise every morning, even if it’s just walking around the house, along with reading or listening to podcasts before bed every night.
Planning your day in advance gives you the most productive results. Set aside time for focused work which you can use to finish tasks within each project. Plan days with more loosely defined tasks like meetings or brainstorming with others and save those days for more flexible work. If you’re working at home today, and then start a project at the office tomorrow, think about the type of work you plan to accomplish in each setting. If your days are full of people interrupting you with questions, consider making a list of questions for each day so you don’t forget anything important. Practice time blocking for more proficient use of your workload and better time management. Control your schedule so it doesn’t control you.
Keeping the spirit of teamwork alive is great for everyone’s workweek. Happy coworkers equate to more efficient project/task completion. While sometimes co-workers can have contrasting schedules, don’t feel secluded. There are many ways and more to stay connected with your coworkers while you’re working remotely or otherwise away from your colleagues. So if you are just checking in, have a question, or want to have a quick conversation about an upcoming project, try finding ways to stay connected to your co-workers. Use for example chat tools for easy communication.
A great collaborative effort could be offering meetings that aren’t necessarily pertaining to work but just to get everyone back in the loop and communicating with one another. These can be held just once a week and for only a short time- no longer than about 15 minutes. This keeps you not only in good spirits with the company but creates a more collaborative kinship among co-workers.
Being in the same physical space as your coworkers helps build trust and relationships. Whether it’s leaving your desk to deliver a message or spending a few hours a week with a small group brainstorming an upcoming project, getting out of your seat is a great way to get to know people. While working remotely has its advantages, face-to-face interactions and chatting with people is not only very productive but it’s fun! Camaraderie people!
Save the best for last? Organization is key! Cleaning your desk is an important step in keeping both your home office and work office organized. As a matter of fact, it’s one of the most fundamental steps when it comes to organizing any part of your life. Keeping things clean and tidy is essential, as this will help you be more productive. Too much clutter may prevent you from finding something quickly when you need it most. A messy desk is like the domino effect. Messy desk > misplaced files > lost information > increased stress.
Pack with intention, and consider the different priorities of your home and office environments. Add a standard set of items that you can take back and forth with ease- like a charging station for your electronics, or a small green file to hold important documents. Even better is leaving your computer in the office and connecting via Remote Desktop Solution to it when working from home. This saves you unnecessary lugging around on office days.
As processes become increasingly blended, it is important to consider how best to allocate tasks and use your time across different working environments. Transitioning between your work office and home office can be challenging, but not a plan.
Staying connected has never been easier. Working from home doesn’t have to mean that your productivity is declining. With the right tool, you will be able to create new opportunities and long-term success in the new Hybrid Work Life. Discover how our customers are using AnyDesk to easily collaborate and share their work. Learn how Hybrid Work is changing the way teams work together.
We recommend our Remote Work E-Book which provides additional insights into tackling the challenges of Remote Work successfully. In this E-Book, you can learn new strategies on how to revamp traditional work models through Remote and Hybrid Work concepts. Discover the benefits of flexible work strategies for businesses and employees, and gain valuable tips on how to overcome possible challenges.
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