2021 has truly been an exciting year for AnyDesk. Looking back, we have grown tremendously and gained 200 million additional downloads. Since the year is slowly coming to an end, we want to sweeten your waiting time for Christmas by sharing 5 amazing facts and stories about our software and company, as there is always more to the picture than meets the eye.
Discover some hidden gems about AnyDesk in this blog post and learn about interesting use cases and hidden treasures that will elevate your user experience. Ready for a deep dive into AnyDesk?
Oftentimes, people only picture the classical use case of connecting two computers with each other, believing that Remote Access ends there. But in reality, this technology is platform-independent and does not only apply to connections between two desktop computers. Remote Access can also be established between different types of devices that are operated by two completely different platforms. Did you know that you can connect from your Apple TV to your notebook, for instance? Wait a minute, that works?
Yes, it does! It allows you to show your favorite vacation photos saved on your computer on the big TV screen at the next family reunion. No more huddling together over a tiny laptop screen while accidentally elbowing your sibling into the lower rib section. Try it at your next family gathering and create a nice, cozy atmosphere everyone will happily remember.
Gamers will recall those times when playing a computer game required installing it from a floppy disc or CD onto a hard drive. Needless to say, the digital age has advanced the way we install video games today, as downloading from legal gaming platforms has replaced the good old CD-ROM. Now, did you know that you can use AnyDesk to start the download of a PC game remotely while being out and about?
A colleague of ours had missed the release of a long-anticipated game. While out with friends, she remembered it was release day but didn’t have access to her computer at the time. With AnyDesk installed on her smartphone and home computer, this was no big deal! She easily accessed her PC at home through her mobile device to start the download of the game while eating out at a restaurant. Since the game was in high demand, the download took about two hours but was finished by the time she got home, ready to install. Now, how cool is that?
We often hear that security seems to be the biggest concern when it comes to Remote Desktop Software. If you are using AnyDesk, it might not be new to you that we use military-grade security technology, which makes our product one of the most secure Remote Desktop Solutions on the market. But did you know that AnyDesk has additional security tweaks that can be enabled by each user individually?
We offer an Auto-Disconnect option, for instance, that can be enabled in the security settings. The user can set a time limit for a session to disconnect automatically if the initiating user and the remote end are inactive. Imagine the extra layer of security this tweak can hold for you and your business, as sessions cannot be taken over easily by other individuals in your surroundings in case you walk away from your device with the session still running in the background.
AnyDesk was founded in 2014 by Philipp Weiser, Olaf Liebe, and Andreas Mähler, but the vision to build a successful company around their product idea goes back even further. You might wonder if they ever encountered any obstacles or struggles when they launched AnyDesk as a successful business. And most definitely, there is no picture-perfect success story. Transforming an idea into something tangible is hard. As Colin Powell put it, “a dream doesn’t become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination, and hard work.”
It might be difficult to grasp, but did you know that the three founders of AnyDesk paid themselves a salary of only 1,000 Euros each per month for the first two years? They never abandoned their vision, followed through with their plans, and ultimately created a successful product, making AnyDesk the major player it is today.
As one of the 50 fastest-growing businesses in Germany, we get asked quite often whether we currently hire new personnel, and the answer is YES! Did you know that AnyDesk is growing so fast that the company is currently looking to fill over 70 open positions across departments? Now that’s quite a number, isn’t it? By the end of last year, AnyDesk only had about 97 employees. Fast forward to the end of 2021, the number of employees has increased to a total of 175.
This increase reflects the incredible growth the company has achieved this year, as AnyDesk went from 300 million downloads at the end of 2020 to 500 million downloads at the end of 2021. Our multi-cultural work environment currently comprises 35 nationalities and 25 different spoken languages! As an open-minded and innovative business that thinks outside the box, we are always looking for great minds to join our journey. So don’t hesitate to reach out and become part of the team!
There are many hidden treasures about AnyDesk that are just waiting to be discovered, from unconventional use cases and little tweaks within the software to interesting facts about our company history. AnyDesk offers a lot of hidden gems that are waiting to be shared with you. Curious about discovering more hidden tweaks? Download AnyDesk now and explore new possibilities.
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